Understanding Your WebSpace Layout on 1&1(Ionis)

Before you can install and set up your website on 1and1 you may need to organise your web hosting space.

How hosting providers structure their hosting accounts varies, but what is important to remember is that your Web space is simply a folder on a web server, and like any folder it can contain files and other folders.

The root (top level) of your web space is designated  with a / sign.

You cannot go above it ( you don’t have the necessary permissions).

All of the files and folders you create or upload are placed under this folder.

When you purchase hosting space and register a domain name the domain name is linked to the root folder by default.

1and1 also place a temporary home page under this folder. This is common practice by most hosting providers and is known as domain parking.

Hosting Multiple Domain Names (Websites)

1and1 hosting allows you to use a single hosting account for multiple websites and domain names.

You may not want to do this immediately, but It is better to prepare for this possibility by creating a sub folder, and using that as the root folder of your site.

You then create sub-folders under this new root folder each of these folders ( website1,2,3 )can in turn be associated with a separate domain name.

Each of these folders would in turn contain files and sub folders similar to our single site layout.

My site (build-your-website-.co.uk) is located in a folder called byw and I use other folders for my other sites.

This is how the file and folder structure looks like (notice the folders):



and here are the domains and the folders they are pointing to:


From the above you can see that the files for the this site www.build-your-website are located in the byw directory (second entry above).

Uploading Files to your WebSpace

Ionis have a browser based web ftp (webspace explorer) which you can use to upload 1 or 2 files to your web space.

However it is not really suitable when you need to upload lots of files.

For this you need a desktop frp client like Filezilla.

This is and old video specific to 1and1 uploads

Video- Uploading Files to Your web space on 1and1

And this  video is a more up to date one showing how to use FileZilla.

WordPress Scripted Installs

If you install WordPress on ionis using a scripted install then a special folder (clickandbuildewebsites) is created for the install, and so you don’t need to create it yourself or upload files.



Your website files are stored in a folder on your web host. Hosting providers allow you to create files and folders under the root of your hosting space.

Understanding how yours is structured is important especially if you need to upload file to your site.

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